Drumming lessons are one of the services or short-term projects that CDH offers to the population to teach them how to play the djembe and other African drum instruments. CDH’s professional percussionists teach techniques that are easy to learn.

Playing drums is stress-relieving, and many people today are stressed. The project gives introductory percussion lessons to those who wish to learn how to play the djembe or other African drums such as doum-doum or congas. These courses are given by CDH professional artists. Beyond relieving stress, drumming can bring joy, happiness and good health to the population. The mission is to give 2 – 3 hours’ percussion lessons individually or in groups. The result is for participants to know how to beat the skin of a djembe drum with bare hands and be initiated in how to play a djembe. This project is also in the volunteer short project program of Centre des Hommes.
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