Centre des Hommes projects of volunteering program. So, we have several projects suited to volunteering. Therefore, becoming a volunteer with Centre des Hommes is a learning and life–changing experience. So, we invite you to take a look of each one of these projects below and make a decision to join us as volunteer.

School support projects of volunteering program
The School support project in providing courses in French and English in rural schools. The idea is to reduce the academic gaps that result from vacations, when they become re-immersed in their local language.

Renovation projects of volunteering program
The Renovation project is designed to restore a school complex, building or classrooms in a village school, to improve the effectiveness, comfort and healthiness of the school environment. This involves the social activity of repairing and painting school buildings.

Arts And Culture Work Camp Projects of volunteering program
The Arts and Culture work camp mutually creates an understanding of the value and possibilities of arts and culture to volunteers. Through workshops the volunteers learn how to do sculpture, make and play African music instruments, make ceramics, and learn about Togolese insects etc. Volunteers can keep their creations if they wish.

Village School Garden Projects of volunteering program
The Village School Garden project involves designing a garden either in school yard or in a public place in a village. This uses permaculture methods to help schoolchildren or villagers to understand how to design, plant, cultivate and harvest their food in a sustainable way.

Raising Awareness On Recurring themes in social and health fields
The Awareness raising project in the social and health fields involves volunteers and locals working together to sensitise villagers in remote areas about the dangers of recurring diseases such as malaria, cancer, Vih/Aids and Covid-19, and how to reduce and prevent them. This will incorporate advising and counselling skills.

Volunteers In Ecovillage Centre des Hommes

Volunteers in the Ecovillage Centre des Hommes come from all over the world to join Togolese locals working and learning in the fields of permaculture, organic garden production, regenerative agriculture, social entrepreneurship etc.. The work is sometimes hard, but offers the acquisition of potentially life-changing skills.
Playground Creation

The Playground creation project invites volunteers from around the world to join the locals to design a playground in a public place within a remote village, that will improve the learning, health and social cohesion of the area.
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