Centre des Hommes organise the building of schools for local villages. In remote villages and rural areas of Togo, schools either do not exist or they are in a state of disrepair. Even a typical European is better than these schools built of straw and mud, where schoolchildren have to try and study in a dripping wet classroom on a rainy day or baking conditions when it is too hot. The school classrooms are often not covered with a roof. Our duty then is to work for the proper and safe construction of village school classrooms.

Therefore we took the initiative to work for the construction of a normal building for the school. That is to say, the building will have 3 classrooms and a surveillance room. For example, each class will have a maximum of 50 to 60 schoolchildren. This way, the classrooms will be ventilated by natural air. Moreover, the rain and the heat will not affect the studies of the schoolchildren. Also, the schoolchildren will be comfortable to follow the lessons.
We invite you to engage with and support our projects building of schools for local villages to change lives. They are in really need.

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