Past volunteering or past volunteer project were completed. However the expatriate volunteers together with the locals gathered to put their ideas and skills together. Then they work for the profit of vulnerable households, schoolchildren or the community. Therefore, they worked to realise and accomplish the projects below. Therefore our thanks go to them and moreover for your involvement in these past projects. In short, thanks to you, we were able to completed these projects. In conclusion, we are grateful when you share the project made or known by your surroundings.

Trees planting
Kpalimé 2008-2009 past volunteering about tree planting in school yard. 7 days.
Results obtained: Above all, 100 seedlings (plants) of acacia were planted in the central basic school yard in Kpalimé.

School classroom and building renovation
Nogo basic school Kpalimé 2012 past volunteering about school classroom and building renovation. 21 days.
Results obtained: So two big schools building were renovated.

School support tutoring, literacy and leisure for schoolchildren:
Kpalimé, village Yokélé, 2011 past volunteering about school support tutoring, literacy and leisure for schoolchildren. 21 days.
Results obtained: Therefore, more than 150 schoolchildren were supported by tutoring and school articles at the end of the work camp.

Culture and arts workshop camps:
Kpélé-Govié, 2013-2014. Kpalimé 2014. Kpimé – Séva, 2015. Past volunteering respectively about culture and arts concern batik, African dance and percussion workshop camps. 21 days.
Results obtained: So satisfaction of volunteers for the workshop. Then, the volunteer gained new skill of how to make a djembe drum and how to play it. Then, they learned how to make African music instrument, the castagnette. also they learned how to make batik etc.

Ecovillage Centre des Hommes activities
Kpimé – Séva 2015 past volunteering about Ecovillage Centre des Hommes activities. 21 days.
Results obtained: Sharing and emerging of the project Ecovillage Centre des Homme with neighbour community where the project land is located. As a result volunteers have satisfaction. This is to say the goal was reached. So they learned permaculture and Ecovillage principles. Then, they discovery many new possibility. Above all they liked the project land beauty.

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