Coming Projects

Our Causes

We invite you to get in touch with our upcoming projects and to plead or to advocate for causes of these projects to be realised for the benefit of the beneficiaries and to change their lives.

PlayGround Implementation and Installation Project

We are going to introduce soon our community transformation play-ground implementation and installation (CTP-G2I) project all around Togo cities and villages. This project consist to transform each village public place to a playground area for the villagers communities blossoming and fulfilment. The project situation will be a Collaboration and participation with the whole village and neighbourhood where the playground will go to be implemented...

Provide drinkable water

We had made evaluations of the situation of lack of water in certain villages and we wish to build a well or to make boreholes that should be drilling with pumps to tap so that the population of these villages can have drinking water. In total these villages are five in number. The project situation will be a Collaboration and participation with the whole village and neighbourhood where the drinking water (build of well or drilling with pumps) will go to be implemented...

Help Rural Togo Villages Rebuild and Recover In This Corona COVID-19 Pandemic Time

The hungriness of local basic schoolchildren and poor local population of the remote villages in Togo during this COVID-19 pandemic has increased and created many more danger of death in these localities because of Hunger. We noted that the restrictive measures taken against the pandemic affected the work of the local farmers, vulnerable households who cultivate just a portion of the lands (due to their workforce and plowing force, already limited) for their survival and that of their families, children and others, have been seeing their works stopped...

Goal: $350.000

Help Children And Adults In Rural Villages To Treat Themselves Against Malaria With Artemisia And To Have Good Health

Artemisia is an herbal medicine that helps the body to fight against malaria. Many good results have shown the strength of this herb which cures malaria. We would like to cultivate them and to give free of charge to the poor who have difficulty in affording medicines at the level of pharmacie. We will also like to give lessons on how to cultivate this plant to the farmers and vulnerable local householders in the villages.

Goal: $350.000

Building Of Solar School Bag For Local Schoolchildren

We are expecting to build a Solar School Bag for local schoolchildren. It is a project to help children in precarious situations who go to school without a school bag and who suffer from lack of electricity in their homes. The school bag will be carefully constructed without being heavy with African fabric and will have features such as a flashlight, a usb port charger, solar power and a podcast, voice note, music player that can be integrated with a memory card and a headset to allow the schoolchildren to listen and learn their lessons...

Goal: $350.000

Cantine For Rural Schoolchildren

We would like to fight against the hungriness of rural local basic schoolchildren by creating school cantine opportunity in the remote villages in Togo. We had noted that many children do not have the chance to have breakfast before going to school or even at school it is difficult to have lunch and stay hungry during the whole day in class. This critical or difficult time of corona has made things even worse. Our concern is to organise a hunger assistance program for students in schools in remote villages by creating school canteens.

Building Of School For Local Villages

In remote villages and rural areas of Togo, schools do not exist or they are in a state of disrepair or poor condition. Even the warehouses in Europe are better than these schools built of straw and difficult for schoolchildren to follow the courses during a rainy day or even when it is too hot. The school classrooms are not covered with a roof and are open air at the risk of danger of everything. Our duty then is to work for the construction of school classes for these villages which are in this need.

Goal: $350.000

Building Of Public Toilets For Local Villages

In remote villages and rural areas of Togo, public toilets are in precarious states and easily generate the proliferation of diseases by their vector agent the fly. The idea is to build public toilet in order to restore poor hygiene to fight against disease and protect the environment of the villages.

Goal: $350.000

Building dry toilet for individual in local villages

A dry toilet is good for making good compost after a treatment of the shit. People in villages are mostly farmers and they grow their own food. to encourage them by growing their own food we have the idea to build dry toilet for each individual householder in order to facilitate and to improve the production by the shit of dry toilet which is very good compost after treatment.

Goal: $350.000


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