

Past volunteering

Past volunteering or past volunteer project were completed. However the expatriate volunteers together with the locals gathered to put their ideas and skills together. Then they work for the profit of vulnerable households, schoolchildren or the community. Therefore, they worked to realise and accomplish the projects below. Therefore our thanks go to them and moreover
A dry toilet is good for making quality compost after treatment.  People in villages are mostly farmers and they grow their own food.  We want to build dry toilets for each individual householder in order to supply them directly with compost. Therefore each individual householder must provide the compost for their organic vegetable production. As
In remote villages and rural areas of Togo, public toilets are in a precarious state and easily spread disease through flies and other infections.  The idea is to build public toilets in order to improve hygiene and prevent disease, as well as protect the village environment. Centre des Hommes proposes to facilitate this need for
Centre des Hommes organise the building of schools for local villages. In remote villages and rural areas of Togo, schools either do not exist or they are in a state of disrepair.  Even a typical European is better than these schools built of straw and mud, where schoolchildren have to try and study in a