
Centre des Hommes organise the building of schools for local villages. In remote villages and rural areas of Togo, schools either do not exist or they are in a state of disrepair.  Even a typical European is better than these schools built of straw and mud, where schoolchildren have to try and study in a
Local schoolchildren bag
The solar school bag for schoolchildren is project we want to design, to help and facilitate life for children. Therefore we are hoping to build a solar school bag for local schoolchildren.  It is a project to help children who lack a school bag and who have no electricity in their home. The school bag

Joogivee andmise projekt

Vesi, mis on kõigi inimeste eluallikas, on endiselt probleemiks mõningatele paikkondadele, kusjuures mõnes külas, kus Centre des Hommes töötab, seda ei ole. Togos hindasime viit küla, kus aasta jooksul napib joogivett. Ainus võimalus vett saada on oodata vihma.  Kahjuks ei lange see igal aastaajal ning pika kuivaperioodi jooksul muutub mõnes piirkonnas vesi kõige haavatavamate majapidamiste
Centre des Hommes projects of volunteering program. So, we have several projects suited to volunteering.  Therefore, becoming a volunteer with Centre des Hommes is a learning and life–changing experience.  So, we invite you to take a look of each one of these projects below and make a decision to join us as volunteer. School Support